Children believe in magic
They have fantastic imaginations.
Unfortunately for children, those great imaginations and magical thinking can cause anxiety. Their anxiety can show up in strange ways – sometimes they just stop talking, though they can speak, or become wheelchair-bound, even though once they walked just fine.
As a consequence of normal cognitive development, children can develop fears.
It never occurred to them that people die. Once it does, they worry about people they depend on dying.
It never occurred to them they might not fit in. Then someone says they can’t play, and they realize people are thinking about them. That can lead to shyness or depression.
The teacher who is usually so friendly has a bad day, snaps at your child, and now they don’t want to go to school because they took it so personally.

Children don’t know the difference between imagination and reality.
As that distinction develops, even in fifth grade, many children get tricked by their imaginations and have fears and thoughts that interfere with basic functioning.
Sometimes they have potty accidents though they have been using the potty regularly. Sometimes they have terrible night terrors; they get tummy aches that keep them home from school; they can have such worries about what to wear and paralyze them.
Fortunately, children’s magical thinking and great imaginations, when turned in their favor instead of against them, also make my job easy.
Bringing your child to a therapist is an act of faith.
Before you call me, you have tried so many things to help your child!
Coming to a therapist opens you up to judgment when you already feel you are failing your child because you can’t fix their problem.
I don’t think you are the problem. I don’t think your child is the problem. I believe that something is going on where your child’s young brain has figured out a way to survive and thrive that is not working.
Often, all it takes is for a child to realize there is an alternative, and the problem goes away.
I can help.
I love the unique challenge of working with children and have done countless hours of specialized training in child development and psychology.
I harness the child’s imagination and get it working for their benefit rather than against it.